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In this section we will add an example for Mutation.


Update the schema to include a mutation, and a method which will be used to verify the mutation:

type Query {
greeting: Greeting
getMessage: String

type Subscription {
greetings: Greeting

type Greeting {
message: String

type Mutation {
setMessage(message: String): Greeting


First we will add the python functionality:

stored_message = ""

async def get_message(*args):
global stored_message
return stored_message

async def set_message(root, _info, message):
global stored_message
stored_message = message
return {
"message": message

And connect it to the schema:

schema.query_type.fields['getMessage'].resolve = get_message
schema.mutation_type.fields['setMessage'].resolve = set_message

This is all that is required on the server side


Here is an example of using the mutation from the client:

async def verify_message(graphql: Client, expected_message: str):
response = await graphql.execute_async(
gql("""query { getMessage }""")

assert response['getMessage'] == expected_message


async def set_message(graphql: Client, message: str):
response = await graphql.execute_async(
gql("""mutation SetMessage($message:String) { setMessage (message: $message ) {message}}"""),
variable_values={"message": message}
