Support RSocket
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Command Line Interface

Rsocket requests can be sent using the command line interface. It is available when installing with pip using the [cli] extra.

The options are meant to be as compatible as possible with the kotlin and java cli implementations.

The command is rsocket-py. The output of rsocket-py --help is as follows:

Usage: rsocket-py [OPTIONS] [URI]

Supported connection strings: tcp/ws/wss

Interaction Model
--request Request response
--stream Request stream
--channel Request channel
--fnf Fire and Forget
--metadataPush Metadata Push
-d, --data, --input TEXT Data. Use "-" to read data from standard
input. (default: )
-l, --load TEXT Load a file as Data. (e.g. ./foo.txt,
-m, --metadata TEXT Metadata (default: )
-r, --route TEXT Enable Routing Metadata Extension
--limitRate INTEGER Enable limitRate(rate)
--take INTEGER Enable take(n)
-u, --as, --authSimple TEXT Enable Authentication Metadata Extension
(Simple). The format must be "username:
--sd, --setup, --setupData TEXT
Data for Setup payload
--sm, --setupMetadata TEXT Metadata for Setup payload
--ab, --authBearer TEXT Enable Authentication Metadata Extension
--dataMimeType, --dataFormat, --dmt TEXT
MimeType for data (default:
--metadataMimeType, --metadataFormat, --mmt TEXT
MimeType for metadata
--allowUntrustedSsl Do not verify SSL certificate (for wss://
-H, --header, --httpHeader TEXT
ws/wss headers
--trustCert TEXT PEM file for a trusted certificate. (e.g.
./foo.crt, /tmp/foo.crt)
--debug Show debug log
-q, --quiet Disable the output on next
--timeout INTEGER Timeout in seconds
--version Print version
--help Show this message and exit.

Example usage

The following example can be run against the example server from the rsocket-py codebase at examples/ Run that script with --help to show options. By default, it will start a TCP server on port 6565.

Request-Response to TCP server on localhost:6565 with route 'single_request':

rsocket-py --route single_request --data "simple request" --request tcp://localhost:6565

For the following example, start the server with the following flags:

python3 ./examples/ --transport wss --with-ssl

Request-Stream to WSS server on localhost:6565 with route 'stream', without verifying ssl, and with user/password authentication:

rsocket-py --authSimple abcde:12345 --route stream --allowUntrustedSsl --stream wss://localhost:6565